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Cori the small




Mad Hatter
Player ID: 186384
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Regeneration : 5
Energetic immunity : 6
Trade sense : 1
Briskness : 8
Initiative : 2
Defence : 12
Attack : 23
Power : 4
Luck : 1
Volition : 0
Cartography : 1
Principle of Enthropy = 66
Principle of Cyclicity = 109
Principle of Balance = 36
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Battle stats
Won: 126 | Lost: 107
Honor: 2813
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance

I want power lots of power.

I Wish to become master of my domain.

I want to win battles and be feared by my enemies

. I wish to learn the darkest of knowledge to seek revenge for those that cannot.

To bring solace and peace to thoes who seek it and to bring Fear to those who look to destroy what we have worked so hard to build.

To one day rule a land of my own were people can become all that they dream of and more, if they are willing to pay the price.

Some of my creatures

my personal log Vol. 1

The Horse of War

Upon the hill, of those past gone
A black shadow against the night.
Its head held high, gazing empty
Wraithlike eyes...void of sight.

A spectral tail caresses the dark.
Icy mist seeps from its core.
Bright red eyes flare with malice.
The phantom horse of war.

Below the hill, remnants of battle.
Wasted souls of a hopeless fight.
The ghostly shadow walks among them
The soulless steed of night.

Slowly, surely, the stars are stifled,
And the endless night seems new.
The silence fills the air with sound,
But eerie stillness awakens few,

Death awaits those who linger
A peaceful sleep for those who pass.
A visit from the horse of war.
And relief from pain at last.

The empty shadow, void of light,
Returns to the crest of the slope.
Its eyes deep with flames within,
The mighty stallion...Spirit's hope.

Once again, upon the hill,
The shadow returns against the night,
It rises up its head in challenge,
And disappears out of human sight.

- by Zoe Donaldson

Page 23 - Golemus Wizard quest - ST. Mo.
The winds blows removing the words from the sand. STF remains confused thinking of them ..."So close but yet so far, ones fear is the other ones war" ....what could it be...who are you? ...."I am .Morpheus." ... what? who said that? where am i? Confused and a bit frightend STF sits down thinking of those words. Only if thre was someone to help him solve this riddle. (players are welcome to pm STF with their sugestions) ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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